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“5 Surprising Symptoms of Diabetes: What Your Nails Can Tell You”

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The International Diabetes Federation estimates that up to 537 million people worldwide suffer from diabetes, a chronic disease. According to the UK National Health Service, some of the most noteworthy and typical symptoms are weight loss, physical exhaustion, and increased thirst and urination (NHS).

There are additional, less well-known signs that someone may have diabetes, however. The Sun interviewed Dr. Sarah White, head of the Bupa clinic in England, on the long-term impacts of diabetes and the several indicators that someone may have the disease.

Orange Nails

Studies have shown that individuals with diabetes have a major influence on their proteins. This results from a process known as glycosylation. It’s possible that this process results in yellow nails, according to White: “If you have a yellowish hue, it’s crucial to monitor your blood sugar levels since uncontrolled diabetes over time might cause this,” she advises.


5 Surprising Symptoms of Diabetes What Your Nails Can Tell You

Yeast Infections

According to experts, poor blood circulation brought on by high glucose levels might raise the risk of fungal infections. Diabetes patients should take additional measures since they are more vulnerable to these illnesses.

Yeast Nail Beds

Dr. White adds that those with uncontrolled diabetes have a higher risk of developing infected nail beds. A fungal infection may be present if you notice redness or extreme discomfort in your feet or nails. Make careful to monitor your blood sugar levels and, if required, get medical help.

Weak Nails

Dr. White claims that diabetics often have problems with their nails being too thin. Due to diminished sensation from this sensitivity, a person may bump something or use too little force, inflicting foot harm.

Heavy Nails

However, having thick nails may also indicate a fungal infection. Your nails’ structure may be noticeably bigger than normal if you have a fungal infection that has to be treated.

In conclusion, a number of symptoms, including yellow nails, fungal infections, infected nail beds, thin nails, and thick nails, might point to a possible diabetes condition. Check your blood sugar levels if you encounter any of these symptoms, and get medical help if required.

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