Salvia Officinalis was born in Dalmatia or Spain and is a native of the Mediterranean region. It has long been recognised and valued for its therapeutic qualities, and even its common name reflects the significance this plant had in prehistoric medicine.
Its name really comes from the Latin “Salvatrix,” which means “that rescues,” as well as “salveo,” which means “healthy star.” The Laminaceae family member Salvia officinalis manifests as a woody, evergreen shrub that matures in thick bushes.
When the sage is not yet mature, the plant’s stems are a bright green hue. However, with time, they might become darker and more woody. The leaves are typically lance-shaped, gray-green, and have extremely fine, dense downs on their top surfaces that give them a soft look.
In contrast, their bottom surfaces are coarser and more conspicuously ribbed. The blooms are violet in hue, while some kinds also have white blossoms.
Anti-inflammatory and antioxidant substances are present in sage. The stem and leaves of plants contain compounds that may reduce oxidative stress, one of the main causes of chronic illnesses.
The most efficient technique to reduce inflammations of the mouth, respiratory system, and digestive tract is to chew sage leaves, despite the flavour being fairly strong.
Sage has shown to be the best treatment for spasms by helping the body manage stomach and abdominal cramps as well as diarrhoea. Due to its mansioncarminative, it lowers intestinal gas levels and deflates the stomach.
Due to flavonoids and phenolic components, sage has anti-inflammatory qualities that treat arthritis, gout, and particularly cardiovascular system inflammation. Sage is a herb that supports women and is helpful in preventing any illnesses that may arise during the menstrual cycle each month.
Secondly, it aids in easing menopausal symptoms. The benefit would be ascribed to the flavonoids in it, which have the ability to balance the hormonal system.
Finally, several of the acids found in sage have diuretic characteristics that may be used to treat edoema as well as water retention.