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Watery Eyes: When To Worry And Why

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Lacrimation is one of the most crucial variables for the health of our eyes, as we all know. Despite the fact that it is often overlooked, this component should not be undervalued since it may be one of the signs of a pretty severe condition. It is crucial to take care of the eyes specifically for this reason, particularly considering that they are exposed to external stimuli that may harm them. The retina is reached after the light stimulation has passed through the cornea, vitreous, crystalline, and liquid humour in the eyes. The brain receives information from the retina and uses it to interpret the visual inputs. First and foremost, maintaining excellent eye health requires leading a healthy lifestyle and… Read More »Watery Eyes: When To Worry And Why

Do Lentils Make You Fat? Here Is The Expert’s Answer

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To feed yourself healthily with a hot dinner, all you need is a lovely plate of lentils. Nowadays, it is recognised that lentils provide a strong feeling of fullness quickly. In fact, when routinely included into our diets, they aid in weight loss. This occurs because they eliminate the infamous hunger pangs, which prevents us from looking for inappropriate meals to maintain the line. But does the lentil itself contribute to weight gain? Even those who have to cope with the scales, can they be consumed? Do lentils cause weight gain or not? Lentils come in a number of variations. brown, yellow, and red. Regardless of the meal’s variety, remember that all of them are high in potassium, iron, calcium,… Read More »Do Lentils Make You Fat? Here Is The Expert’s Answer

How Many Times To Eat Pasta During The Week? Here Is The Truth

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One of the icons of our nation is pasta. On our tables, it may often be found seasoned to our preferences. Pizza is a kind of pasta that is popular and well-known worldwide. It is among the most popular meals in our nation. Compared to fresh pasta, the usual egg pasta, dried pasta is more often consumed. But how often should you consume it each week? We often purchase dry pasta (also known as industrial pasta) in plastic or paper bags at the grocery store. Semolina made from durum wheat is the only ingredient. But there are alternative varieties of pasta, such as those made from maize, legumes, or ones particularly designed for patients with celiac disease (these, however, fall… Read More »How Many Times To Eat Pasta During The Week? Here Is The Truth

How Are Spirulina Supplements Used? Here Is The Expert’s Answer

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As a result of its great nutritional value, spirulina supplements have become a part of our everyday lives. With very few exceptions, they are advised for everyone and are available as tablets or powder. The kind of consumption is based on our own preferences. To induce a strong feeling of fullness, the consumption is best done before the major meals because of the abundance of proteins it contains. Therefore, consuming spirulina near the conclusion of meals would be counterproductive since it would reduce some of its nutritious value. Depending on the product you choose, you may only take a maximum of 4 or 6 pills per day and a maximum of 1 tablespoon of powder. A product as versatile as… Read More »How Are Spirulina Supplements Used? Here Is The Expert’s Answer

Beware Of Triglycerides: Here’s What Happens If

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In humans, triglycerides make up the majority of body fat. As one of the primary means of storing energy, they are crucial for the body. They also provide adequate thermal insulation. Triglycerides and cholesterol are in reality separate forms of fats, and there are significant variations between them. In actuality, the former help the body retain more calories and give energy. Contrarily, the second is used in the production of some hormones and cell walls. It is possible to have high triglycerides without noticing it since they do not cause any symptoms. An poor lifestyle is mostly to blame for the growth in this fat. In reality, poor nutrition should be avoided, and you should especially avoid consuming too many… Read More »Beware Of Triglycerides: Here’s What Happens If

What Foods Are Bad For Alzheimer’s

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The appropriate operation of all organs as well as a number of other processes including memory, language, and movement are all controlled by the brain. It is the brain’s control centre, making it a particularly sensitive organ. Therefore, even with the proper nourishment, it is crucial to protect our brain. As a matter of fact, several studies have emphasised the numerous advantages of meals, in part because of the presence of antioxidants and vitamins. Of course, just as there are foods that help our brains function better, there are others that are safe to eat. In fact, several of them may raise the risk of dementia and Alzheimer’s disease. Sometimes, particularly when we are worried and exhausted, we might forget… Read More »What Foods Are Bad For Alzheimer’s

Protecting The Kidneys: This Is The Trick That Surprises Everyone

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Although it is not particularly obvious, the kidneys’ role in maintaining the proper balance of fluids in our bodies and producing hormones is still vigorously maintained. naturally, without wasting medications or running the danger of lowering one’s quality of life. Legumes are one of the kidneys’ main, consistent dining partners. Due to their high mineral salt, vitamin, and protein content, lentils, chickpeas, and beans are really quite beneficial for maintaining the renal system. The recommendation of medical experts who treat renal disorders is to consistently eat beans a few times each week. Consuming vegetarian food may be beneficial but is certainly not necessary. There are so many healthy fruits and vegetables for the kidneys. Their method requires potatoes, onions, strawberries,… Read More »Protecting The Kidneys: This Is The Trick That Surprises Everyone

Are Blueberries Good For Gastritis? Here Is The Truth

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There are many individuals who have gastritis. If the first symptoms are not addressed, the condition might progress to gastritis as the stomach mucosa becomes more sensitive. Therefore, even if the symptoms are extremely light, it is still best to see a doctor or just take herbs that will reduce inflammation to avoid developing gastritis. Many natural treatments, including cranberries, are helpful for people who experience it. Intense nausea, epigastric discomfort, significant acidity, and in extreme instances, vomiting, are the typical symptoms of gastroenteritis. It is advised to use cranberries, which are high in anthocyanins and antibacterial vitamins, to heal our stomach. The cranberry helps to clean the stomach’s walls and restructure the digestive system, which stops the inflammation from… Read More »Are Blueberries Good For Gastritis? Here Is The Truth

Is It True That Bread Makes You Fat? Pay Attention To The Answer

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Many individuals are unsure whether bread contributes to weight gain. Some individuals, sometimes even exaggerating, are used to eating bread every day for lunch and supper. So let’s find out whether you can genuinely consume bread without becoming fat. As is well known, bread contains both carbs and little water, however the more calories a dish has, the less water it contains. Although this dish has a high glycemic index, it is not always fattening or slimming. Actually, the increased weight is not a result of the bread per se. Everything may be consumed without issues or concern about gaining weight if it is done in a balanced manner. Of course, you still need to use more caution while using… Read More »Is It True That Bread Makes You Fat? Pay Attention To The Answer

Eating A Tomato A Day: What Happens To Our Body?

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The tomato is a staple of Italian cooking and is used both fresh and cooked in a variety of dishes. Many people who regularly eat tomatoes have questioned whether doing so is beneficial to their health or harmful. So let’s find out whether it really is as healthy a meal as we believe. The tomato offers a lot of healthy qualities that are helpful for our bodies. In addition to vitamins and mineral salts, it has a lot of water and fibre. It is really a great source of the vitamins A, B, C, and K. While copper, manganese, iron, zinc, and potassium are found as mineral salts. It comes out to have antioxidant and vitaminizing qualities as a result… Read More »Eating A Tomato A Day: What Happens To Our Body?